We celebrate the Passover at our church. At
the first hint of controversy, we close our
eyes and hope it will pass over"
It was Easter Saturday, and FMC member
Joanne Hinch of Woodland Hills, California,
was sitting at the kitchen table coloring Easter
eggs with her son, Dan, 3, and her daughter,
Debby, 2. She told her children about the true
meaning of Easter, and taught them the
traditional Easter morning greeting, "He is risen!"
and the reply, "He is risen, indeed!"
The children planned to surprise their father,
a Presbyterian minister; with this greeting on
Easter Sunday morning by saying
"He is risen!" as soon as he awoke.
The next morning, bright and
early, little Dan heard his father
arising in the bedroom, and raced
down the hallway shouting,
"Daddy, God's back!"